Connections Hint Today

Connections Hint Today

Connections Hint Today provides daily clues and tips to help players solve the challenging puzzles in the Connections game. It’s a resource for gamers seeking hints to enhance their problem-solving strategies and improve their gameplay. Each hint is designed to offer just the right amount of guidance without giving away the solution, making it a helpful tool for anyone looking to level up their puzzle skills.

New strategies to solve challenging puzzles and improve your gameplay. Struggling with today’s Connections Hint? Whether you’re just starting or need a little extra help, these hints offer the guidance you need to make progress. Dive in and enhance your puzzle-solving skills today.

Hint for Today’s Connections Answer

Instead of jumping straight to the answer, let’s start with some hints for today’s Connections puzzle:

Yellow – It has been uttered.

Green – Another name for oneself.

Blue – It’s evident.

Purple – Words that go well with House.

Told belongs in the Yellow group, Moniker in Green, and Clear in Blue.
Remember – Yellow is the easiest group to find followed by Green and Blue, with Purple being the hardest set of words to connect.

Connection words for 13th August

Here are the words included in today’s Connections puzzle – see if the clues above help you form a connection before we visit today’s answer:

Connections answer for 13th August
Without further ado, here’s the Connections answer for today:
Stated – Said, Spoke, Told, Voiced.
Nickname – Designation, Handle, Moniker, Sobriquet.
Obvious – Clear, Marked, Pronounced, Striking.
___House (That Aren’t Houses) – Porter, Power, Rough, Wheel.

Putting Said, Spoke, Told, and Voiced together was an obvious decision to make. Unfortunately, the other groups weren’t as easy as this one to find. The second group I could manage to put together was the Blue one. Sorting the remaining words was the problem, forcing me to waste all my tries. Let’s hope for a luckier day tomorrow.
How to Use Our NYT Connections Hints

Not every NYT connections player wants today’s answers. That’s why we created this page! Here, we will give you one connection clue for each category to help you solve today’s puzzle yourself – feel free to bookmark this page whenever you need a quick connection hint.

Looking to sharpen your Wordle skills? Don’t forget to check out today’s Wordle answer. We’ve got a whole page dedicated to it, with daily solutions, Wordle hints, an archive of past answers, and a lot more. For buzzy players, you’ll find “What is today’s Spelling Bee pangram?” over on our NYT Spelling Bee Answers segment. We have scoured our database for pangram solutions so you can uplevel to QB status (Queen Bee) without relying on Hivemind.

Use our NYT Connections hint page to get help when you need it! Here are a few how-tos for using it.

Quick Hints

Say you want to search for a quick hint but don’t want to know exactly which categories the 16 words go into; tap on the first flashcard labeled SEE HINT. This button will give you a short clue to help you guess the category title. We’ve color-coded them to help you out using the NYT Connections colors, and they’re ordered from easy to most difficult. (Yellow to Purple)

To See The Groups

If you need the category title, we’ve got that too. Simply tap the flashcard labeled SEE GROUP, and the name of each category will come up. You might use this if you’re stuck on a particular guess and unsure which category you want.

To Find All The Answers

If you’re completely stuck, we have all of today’s Connections answers. We’ve left this until the end, partially for suspense and also to help those who want to solve the daily puzzle themselves. Tap SEE WORD to see which of the 16 words go into which group. Again this is color-coded so you can see how difficult each group was to guess, according to The New York Times.

What is Connections by The New York Times?

NYT Connections is pretty similar to a game you might have played as a child called Categories. However, instead of having a certain starting letter (like in categories), you start with 16 words on your grid. Each group has four words that share a common thread. You have to place these words into one of the four categories or groups without making four mistakes.

You make a mistake when you group the wrong words in a category. Every time you guess a correct group NYT Connections will tell you which color group you guessed correctly.

What Are Today’s Connections Groups?

Need some extra help?

Be warned: we’re starting to get into spoiler territory.

Today’s groups are…

Purple group — kinds of knives

Yellow group — metal elements

Green group — mattress sizes

Blue group — slang for toilet

What Are Today’s Connections Answers?

Spoiler alert! Don’t scroll any further down the page until you’re ready to find out today’s Connections answers.

This is your final warning!

Today’s Connections answers are…

  • Yellow group — metal elements (GOLD, LEAD, MERCURY, TIN)
  • Green group — mattress sizes (FULL, KING, QUEEN, TWIN)
  • Blue group — slang for toilet (CAN, HEAD, JOHN, THRONE)
  • Purple group — kinds of knives (BOWIE, BUTCHER, BUTTER, BUTTERFLY)

My streak is now up to 22 wins after back-to-back perfect games.

BOWIE, MERCURY, and JOHN was a pretty obvious red herring since there wasn’t any word that would make sense with those singers. LEAD and MERCURY, however, made the yellows pretty clear to me. QUEEN and TWIN then made the greens evident.

I had a sense of what the last two groups were, but it took a minute to figure out the blues. BUTTER, somehow, was the kind of knife I was overlooking. I figured out the blues before submitting that group too.

That’s all there is to it for today’s Connections clues and answers. Be sure to check my blog for hints and the solution for Tuesday’s game if you need them.

P.S. I of course had to include a song from Freddie Mercury, Elton John, or David Bowie today, so let’s go with one of my favorites from the latter:


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